"Womanism, Intersectionality and Biblical Justice" was published today in Christians for Biblical Equality's Mutuality Magazine. The full essay can be accessed by clicking on the link above. Here is an excerpt:
"Womanism and/or black feminism (some women prefer the latter
self-designation, although they are not synonymous) has always concerned
itself with intersectionality or with the destruction of interconnected
forms of oppression that impact black women’s lives (and other women of
color) and their communities. Black women experience multiple forms of
oppression, simultaneously. Such oppressions include racism, sexism, and
"Social justice for black women and their communities continues to be a
struggle against interlocking forms of oppression. Because of the
interrelated impact of race, gender, and class on “black, brown, and
yellow” lives and especially on the lives of women and children of
color, women of color who ignore race, gender, or class issues do so to
the detriment of the larger community. If a black male focuses on race
while ignoring or participating in gender bias against black women, he
is exercising his male privilege. If white women demand gender parity
without regard for the impact of racial bias on black women, they
exercise their privileged position as white women. When elite women of
color focus on racial and gender bias without regard for the impact of
classism on poor women, men, and children of any race, they are
exercising class privilege..."