Friday, January 21, 2011

Miseducation of Black Girls (and their peers)

Keep your dress tail down; all it takes is down
Down down baby down by the roller coaster
Sweet sweet baby I’ll never let you go
Go along to get along
Along the way, don’t make waves
Waves like a ship on the sea
Sea that Jesus rebuke
Rebuke da devil and he will flee from thee
[Thee devil done took the best]
Best to be ready
Ready to get married
Married is better
Better than single
Single most important value
Value submission to a man
Man will complete and make you happy
Happy is not an educated black woman
Black Woman educated won’t get married at all
All single women wish they had your husband to love
Love self sacrifice
Sacrifice self to love everybody
Everybody but yourself protect
Protect your virginity~that’s the best & all the morality you got
Got to maintain a full fool figure
Figure this, A dog don’t like no bone.
Bone straight those locks
Locks (au naturale) unprofessional, unkempt, pick-a-ninny look
Look like somebody
Some Body white
White is right; yellow, mellow; brown makes you frown; black get back
Back then, way back, Eve seduced Adam
Adam, not Eve, created in God’s likeness
God ain’t never called a woman to preach
Preach to the children
Children to be seen, not heard
Heard you spoke your mind
Mind is a terrible thing to waste on things that don’t concern
Concern yourself with cooking, cleaning, birthing babies, layin’ on your numb back
Back then wasn’t any separating, nor divorce
Divorce is for weak women who give up too easily; first, second, third blow too soon
Soon we will be thru wit de trouble of dis world
World ain’t my home; no need to clean up this place
Place your pain way down deep and throw away the key
Key to movin on, to survive keep quiet
Quiet bout verbal abuse, bout incest, bout how man next door, daddy, uncle, brotha, granddaddy, preacha molested, raped you, bout all those crosses
Crosses you must bear for Jesus
Jesus had his cross, but you got some too.


Anonymous said...

Love the use of words and ending and beginnings --
I wonder if it could symbolize the "turning on its head"
of those powerful and damaging thoughts.

WomanistNTProf said...

Thanks Naomi. I haven't thought about the endings and beginnings as a symbolic subversiveness--just developing a style-haven't written lengthy poetry in a long time. But I will think about intentional subversive acts in my writing poetry. By the way, I like that pic!